Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Change to SAW/PGWA Card for 3-14-08

As PGWA fans know, we had scheduled a match between Ashley Lane and Nevaeh for this Friday, March the 14th. Although Ashley and Nevaeh are tag team partners, there had been mounting tension between them, and they wanted to settle their problems in the ring. Well, guess what? Turns out they had a real heart-to-heart talk, and they've patched everything up. While that's good for them, it's bad for the fans who had been looking forward to seeing them wrestle. Happily, though, a new solution almost immediately presented itself. Nevaeh has been plauged of late by a woman named Mary Elizabeth Monroe. Well, Nevaeh asked us if we could get Monroe to Tennessee as Ashley's replacement, and Mary Elizabeth was more than willing to agree to a match! And so, the PGWA, in conjunction with Southern All-Star Wrestling, is proud to present Neveah vs Mary Elizabeth Monroe this Friday at the SAW Arena in Millersville, Tennessee!"
Credit: WWRD @ Mid-Southern Wrestling message board

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